Tuesday 30 October 2012

The Progress Marathon #8

Symetry Hatred!

So my model wasnt symetrical, and that isnt good, so i had to fix it, Simon shown me a way at the end of the lesson which was the 'Smart ReSym' and that failed.. really bad..
Then I expreimented with other ways, mirroring which obviously didnt work, then i tried the option underneath 'Smart ReSym' called well.. 'ReSym' and well.. here are the results..

Here is what Smart ReSym does..

NOW CLEARLY I cant use that.. so thats what made me experiment, the reason for this is because of how large the poly count is and as it is a unified skin I cant drop the Sub Divisions. so this is what unfortunetly happens, after having to wait between 15-25 minutes this was the outcome, now here is the outcome I came out with and continuted to use..

Yep.. Not great but I dont have much of a choice, this is what happens when you use ReSym.
I smoothed all of the points down and what happens.. ITS STILL NOT SYMETRICAL! Because smoothing it made it thinner on one side and wasnt very effective, so I done that and found out it wasnt even completely successful, and I lost all of the little detail I had, even things like the teeth.

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