Sunday 7 October 2012

Creature Bio. #1

Soooooo I haven't explained much about the actual character behind my creature so that is what I'm about to do.

Name:  Versogenu (Vers-ug-en-uu)
'Verso' is latin for "invert"
'Genu' is latin for "knee"

Diet: The diet of the Versogenu is all vegetation as it is a herbivore feeding off bushes and fallen fruit.

Environment: The Versogenu has been seen to live in multiple different areas, but the most common environment for this creature are open areas within the woodlands of Asia.

Date discovered: 4327.


How does it walk on its knuckles? There is no known reason to why the Versogenu walks on there knuckles, but it is known that the majoirty of the weight is carried by the inverted but powerful hind legs, is it also known that the Versogenu has only two knuckles within its hand.

How do its legs move? After investigation we discovered that the Versogenu's legs move how humans arms work, the knee cap is the same as the elbow and pushes itself forward the same as a human does, also there is a muscle which connects the higher and lower leg detached from the rest of the muscle groups, this muscle contracts as it walks allowing it to bend.

Why does it have 'cross shaped' feet? As the Versogenu has most of its body weight taken by the hind legs these feet give them balance letting them distribute weight evenly using its horizontal toes.

Why does it have a tail? The tail is also for balance.

Why does it have exposed bone? As this animal isn't commonly seen we have little understanding of this, there may be multiple reasons but the reasons to current date are for intimitation an also violence, just like the Rhino which lived dosens of years ago it uses its body to fight and protect its young. it is believed that they primarily fight with there skulls raming into eachother.

Why do they only have one finger? After close observation it appears that it having only one finger this allows it to rip fruit from trees within reach and pull branches closer to them easier then having multiple fingers.

How do they plat there hair? This is still something that is unknown, it is beleived that the Versogenu plat eachothers hair to signify there pack, as seen Versogenu that dont have there hair platted while in there adulthood shows that they have been left by there pack or have all been killed.

How large or there packs & how do they hunt? The Versogenu normally travel with 3 hunters with are females the same as Lions, 2 protectors which role is to protect the young and the young themself which tends to be between 4-8. They travel in threes to gather food for protection within the woodlands. When the young become adults they have the choice to remain with the pack or mate and create there own pack, although this is more risky this is the choice most of the young make when it is there time to make the choice. The Versogenu do not fight to determine who is leader, the leader is determined by who is the oldest in the pack. When met by a another pack these animals are not normally hostile but specific to each leader will determine if they wil ingave in a fight, when a test of strength is made by a leader of a pack the other pack leader has to accept to fight or the other pack will attack all of them including the young, if the test is accepted only the leaders fight. They do not fight to kill but there have been occations where this has happened. If both leaders are alive after a fight they rub noses together as a sign of respect and leave. Although both leaders may have survived the internal damage from the fight kills 30% of the losing leaders meaning the second oldest now becomes the leader.

How long so the Versogenu live? The versogenu live for around 35-50 years. Within a year eat 1,750 pounds.

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