OMG I Wouldnt have guessed I would STILL be in zBrush working my ass off.. well I am soon going to have to say bye to this blog, final day is tomorrow (friday) so I NEED to do spam loads of my blog and go bed and its already 01:00 (sympathy marks)
Okay lets get underway!
So the previous post showed i finished my retapology, well.. I now have to make it into a high res model, so its gotta look all pretty, I will show milestones and speak at each one other than one large paragraph at the end.
Just to say now.. NO CAPTIONS! I havent got the time :'(. Okay so this is the first save after my model was retapologized. Not a lot is different here, the model was tidied up about, making an area for the mouth and making making the jaw more visible; but the main step was the teeth, these teet hare insane.. 98k+ points -_- like come on! but yeah i understand why, there isnt a limit as this would be projected onto a low rez model suitable for a game engine. Simon demonstraighted the teeth, and the internet at college needs to be fixed.. pelase.. EVERYTHING is blocked! words like 'teeth' 'anatomy' 'muscle' like we need them! (& yes im on the right proxy) anyway yeah, teeth, these are all indiviual and tried to be as real as possible, at the stage of this muscle their is only 1 'fang' tooth, but there will be 2 in the final model.
Here I was aiming to make the base head itself better not just one area, so the nose and horn have been done, there is more structure to his jaw and side exposed bone, there is also head definition but very minimal. The largest change as visible by the final screenshot is the hiar, this isnt finalized but this is a base for it, to the same standard it use to be (yep.. it really was THAT bad before), I gave the band in the hair some detail but not to a large amount once again, I also tried to make the twirl in the hair more visible, this worked but stil needs alot of work done to it, the teeth havent been touched from the previous model.
Now i dont like this part.. the part with bad news.. My model turned bad :( I had already done the top teeth and gums and was happy and was making the bottom, i saved and when I came back its top teeth and gums wasnt visible, the layers are there but they are just empty! and I didnt have the time to ask a tutor, I searched it opn the internet and had no luck, so I had to redo them, kind off, The teeth were already saved in a seperate file and i just remade the tooth that got lost and remade the gums, although its not to the same standard it was before it will be. so yeah.. suiciding models.. not fun..
Teeth are back! and now you can see a happy smile! the teeth have now been done, all uniqe wish seperate markings and cracks in them, nothing other than the teeth is new in the model.
Teeth and gums, here is a close up, the gums have been remade on both but this means I will need to ajust the lips for the sake of protecting the gums. I beleive they are all correct size.
ANNNNNNND! Here is my current model, BO-YA (ish) the teeth remain the same from the last one (so i ahve no idea why i am showing you them again) but the head has changed, i made the horn into a seperate subtool and have made the nose more detailed putting excess skin around them, I then added some skin detail. This is just skin and wrinkles and not the final level of detail but is the starting point for it all. Yeah hoping to next post hope you read me soooooooon!
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